Tag Archives: pirate

Facebook fun!

22 Sep

Hi guys,

Yet another day, yet another find of (may not be new for everybody though). I’s stumbling around my account settings when I saw two cool languages in Facebook which seems to be quite fun to use. So here I go:

1. English (Upside Down) –

As the name suggest, this will make the text upside down. Will that make every text upside down in your page? No, it’ll just make those texts upside down which is written by Facebook, or in other words, it’ll be only those known places where you click regularly – helps as you don’t have to make your monitor upside down!

2. English (Pirate) –

Now this is what I was talking about. A pure Pirate language, a sheer genious Facebook. Just switch to this language and get involved in Pirate culture. No, text will not go upside down, it’ll just pack ye crew, Cap’n!! It’s quite lovely language and way to cooler than plain vanilla English.

In a nut shell, both languages are a must try, and I’m still stumbling between choosing one. But nonetheless, get ye ship ready Cap’n, ye Ship is goin Uppside down!!